6 April 2016


As much as we hate break ups, they are part  of our life's in one way or another.You were recently in happily relationship and you thought you were meant to each other.Here comes the devil called break ups.You are no longer together with your partner.Anyway,i understand what you feel .Cry or laugh. That's healthy .You have taken time not dating and its time to go back into the game .Don't be a fraid of your next challenge.The following are things that will help you heal your broken heart;

1.Surround yourself with healthy friends.
Encouragement from your loved ones is important to your regeneration.What you need at this moment is your family,friends and people that can make you happy .It doesn't matter how complicated the situation is but try to find happiness from people closed to you.

2.Give time to yourself.
You are just from a relationship that has taken away your happiness for goodness seek.Take time.Stay as long as you want before you get into the next challenge.This will make you understand what you really want for yourself.It will give time for your broken heart to reconnect.Go trips,tours or party as much as you can so as to forget all your part memories.
3.Disconnect with your Ex.
Yes,we are living in a digital life.Life full on online networking. Unsubscribe your Ex from all the social media.This will help you forget all about him and move on.Sometimes when we break up with our partners we tend to stalk them and add pain to yourselves seeing them with other partners already moved on.
4.Create a new world.
Find love for yourself.Collect all the broken pieces ,put them together and move on.Find someone else that appreciates who you are.Forget all your past memories and invest in this new relationship you are in.

5.Get back your Ex .
If you want to get back your ex and make this happen then you still have chances.Its only a matter of understanding each other and what you want for the two of you.Make new resolutions and get to replay your game.Forgiveness is very vital.Ask forgiveness,forgive and be back in the game .It might not be so easy to get back your ex but you may give a try.

5 April 2016


After break ups people asks what they should do next.Relax,don't be in a hurry to move on with your next mistake.Take time to rate yourself .Ask yourself what you want next .Try to share you story with friends in order to get some ideas on how to start all over again.Sometimes its good to stay indoors so as to give yourself time to think straight.There are several things that we are always forced to do after break ups which are not necessary at the moment.Some of this things are;
1.Stalking your Ex
The two of you were together and suddenly your relationship dies.Its hard for one to believe this but it take a strong heart to accept and move on with life.You are always on social media stalking your Ex to find out whether they moved on with life.Yes,they moved on.Of course they collected all the broken pieces and fixed them all together.Stop checking whether they have found someone who is more beautifull /handsome than you.

 2.Getting a rebound relationship.
This is something very dangerous.A rebound sex will not solve your problems.You are trying to fight your past by using your Ex best friend .Relax,you are out of control and you just want to easily forget your past.Go on trips,tours just to have fun.This will help the inner you to understand whats happening in your life.Therefore,after getting to know the real you ,move on.
3.Giving up on relationships.
Yes you were happily together and breaking up never crossed your mind.You have broken up with your partner but you thought you were meant for each other forever.Sorry.Hey thats not the end ot the world.Move on.Dont let yourself suffer too much.Take time to rethink your next act.Stay indoor so as to allow yourself think uprightly.Make your conclusion to move on with life.Love is just a game and like in all games we must have winners and losers.Start all over again.Keep the game a life.
This is something that everyone experiences in life.I loved him/her .I gave my best into it but i got pain.NO,this must stop.Forget all the things you did for your partner .You did it out of love.Put all that aside and move on with life.Regrets always make someone a loser.
5.Reading books and magazine on break ups issues.
If that will make you feel better then do it.Try to make yourself busy .Get inspired by peoples experiences and learn more about it.


Breaking up pretty sucks.There no question about it.It is hard to do it but you sometimes need to do so.There are some issues in love matters that are deal breakers and when you run into them they lead you into a dilemma 'whether to break up or fix it'.

Have you ever ended a relationship that you thought was miserable only to have the other person look at you completely surprise? Anyway that may be just a mistake but you can decide to turn the mistake into something worth it.

You may be in a relationship just mastering unconditional love instead of personal love.Break ups sometimes are weapon to fight relationship conflict.There are several things that leads to break up:

1.The inability to accept one another as you are is one of the biggest signs of showing that your relationship is drying.Trying to change each other.
2.Not trusting each other is also a sign that by cause break ups.
3.No interest in each other.
4.No similarities in reasoning like sometimes one partner want to have kids but the other partner is against having kids.
5.Finding out your partner have been cheating on you.