Most people think feminism is about
women on board. While, Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the basis
of the equality of the sexes. . Feminism is about having the guts, knowing what
you stand for and knowing what you deserve and settling for nothing else. It's
about being brave and beautiful at the same time.

For instance, before feminism women
had no voice. When we talk about feminism, we are talking about a certain type
of cancer that is eating women from the inside. This is like a global warming. Feminism
is the worst thing to happen to women. We are judged when we try to fight for our
rights and freedom .People think we are stupid because we are women but let me get
this right, a person becomes stupid when she or he is stupid. When I fight for
my rights it doesn’t shows that am seeking for sympathy. No, it only shows that
I know my rights.
As one of the feminist said, Birds
are not shy of brokenness because nest are built of brokenness. Sometimes we
are so dramatic such that we are driven by the movies we watch. Maybe we should
start thinking the other way round. Ask yourself why movies uses hot guys in
the movies. We at times talk negative about our men in our women clubs but it
doesn’t mean you are a bad person.
It has reached a time where Women are
now freaking out because men are not interested in marriage. We have people
that support and criticize feminism for it has exposed true female nature for
what it is Feminism has chained women to jobs they were not allowed to do back
then and recognized single motherhood.
As most men say, Feminism isn't about
equality due to some of the feminist demands for something which is generally female-oriented or leans in the benefit of
being a women. In many case women are considered to be a weak species. People say
it’s so bad to show emotions. But women are not only allowed to cry but they
are expected to cry. This is so true and feminism is trying to fight to change

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