The course behind skinny girls.
Body image is the main issue that every teenage girl fights with. It’s common to find girls between the ages 15years to 30years uncomfortable with their body weight. This has led to many girls want to be skinny and have a flat tummy. I’m a woman and I have had body image issues. I struggled with body image to a point of depression. Well, it sucks to be skinny. People look at you and think you have this eating disorder characterized by a low weight, fear of gaining weight, a strong desire to be thin and sometimes food restriction. What is it called again? Ooh! Anorexia. I think it’s rude and mean when people judge about your weight.
Due to my curiosity reasons, I went ahead to interview some of the teenage girls on why most of them want to be skinny. Actually being skinny is normal and real. One of the girls had this to say. “Many women want to be skinny just like super models. Be curvy and attractive to men. You are only beautiful, elegant and graceful when you are skinny. Back then, I was weighing 170 pounds when I met my boyfriend. He then started complaining about my overweight. I wasn’t any more attractive. I hated myself. My boyfriend then introduced me to the Gym. After three months I had lost 40 pounds. My belly somehow still looked like a blob due to losing the 40 pounds.” So you can agree with me that some girls are shaping themselves into what their men prefer.
Talking to the second girls; skinny, sassy and not curvy though. She had different views on body image. “Everyone knows even the society view skinny people as beautiful. I find beauty in all shapes and sizes though. But when it comes to me, skinny is the ultimate goal. I’m skinny, plus I have no curves and I like it that way. In today’s generation skinny bodies with big boobs, butts are praised and athletic bodies. As a pale, no curved, stick I can tell you my body is the trending topic on social media.”
It doesn’t matter how skinny you are, if you have a good personality then it’s worth nothing. There is a difference between having healthy weight, being fat and being underweight. Physically fit doesn’t immediately equal thin or skinny. Many times I get these questions; “is it really possible to loss this annoying belly fat I got and have tiny waist as you?” One thing you should know is that you are what you eat. In order to have tiny waist, skinny or flat tummy like mine; you have to lower your overall body fat. The worth of a woman can be rated upon size. Of course, Jesus turned water into wine but he didn’t turn fat into fine. Go to the Gym and work out. You will get that flat tummy you want.
Am not an activist. Am just doing my research on why mainly campus girls want to be skinny. Nobody is being negative on the heavy weight ladies. It’s all about perspective and respecting everyone how they fell in their struggle. The main factors here are the exercise, diet and motivation. Men like skinny girls. Not just men but rich men. They can choose skinny girls over heavy weight girls.